Monday, November 5, 2007

stuff i think about

I think that there are certain concepts in life that as we evolve grow from tangible entities to illusions of progress. Im starting to think that money doesnt exist. Some people (i guess) say they have it, or show symbolic means of it...but i dont think it exists. I learned something about philosophy...and thats that sometimes people choose not to believe in certain things. Not because the advanced windows operating system we call our conscious feels these concepts don't exist, but sometimes we choose to not believe in certain things because our cowardly existence refuses to let us view these things objectively without regard of reprocutions. Meaning....i dont believe in money because it doesnt exist i dont believe in money because i refuse to let myself. Thats my lifestyle. Currency is a streaming feed of greed thats always right clicked to a temporary folder we call the present. but its not really there...
Chase dreams not dollars....

Monday, October 29, 2007

Cali trip...cuh!


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Monday, October 22, 2007

This is me...

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I just want to start my intro off by saying that there is no way humanly possible for all of your hopes and dreams to come true. Im not a non believer i just view statistics objectively. Life is about the stuff you cant have, so stop pretending that yours can be about the stuff you can. (hi) Just be normal and stop thinking that little old you can defy statistics. The roads throughout which we venture through our lives are paved on this principle that we direct where they go. Roads are to be navigated not manipulated. If life sucks for you then good, cuz im pretty sure theres someone out there on a worst path than you...This is Me.
And by that i mean this is my life. This isnt what i want my life to be, but its a seemingly tangible experience of what my life actually is.
The moral of the story you, cuz youll never catch up to who youre suppossed to be.
-100% bc

btw...i want to take the time to thank vash thee lvvr....for showing me how to do this and spending a great deal of time with me today. she is great!(no homo) I heart her (no homo).